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Rabu, 23 April 2014 15:15

POLNES Internasional Seminar dan Workshop Resmi di Buka Direktur Featured

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Seminar International dengan tajuk "Designing Sustainability Partnership Among  Industry – Local Government – and Vocational Higher Education in preparing ASEAN Economic Community 2015" Resmi dibuka oleh Direktur Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Ir. Ibayasid, M.Sc. Hadir dalam seminar international ini Prof. Susan Carvalho, Ph.D dari University of Kentucky dan puluhan narasumber lainnya yang berasal dari Pemerintahan maupun Industri.

Acara yang diselenggarakan selama 2 hari dari tanggal 23 dan 24 April 2014 ini bertempat di Hall lantai 3 kantor Pusat Politeknik Negeri Samarinda. Dalam sambutannya direktur menyampaikan bahwa dengan adanya Partnership 3 unsur yang diantaranya Pemerintah Daerah, Industri dan Perguruan Tinggi Vokasi menjadikan sinergi yang saling menguntungkan dan saling melengkapi terutama dalam menyiapkan tenaga terampil yang siap pakai untuk menghadapi Asian Community 2015.

Prof. Susan Carvalho, Ph.D dari University of Kentucky di sela-sela presentasinya menyampaikan bahwa POLNES Sebagai Institusi Perguruan Tinggi Negeri merupakan pilar penting dalam pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, karena dengan Sumber Daya Manusia yang unggul maka peningkatan taraf hidup suatu bangsa akan terwujud dengan sendirinya.

Berikut daftar nara sumber (Panelis) dan materi yang di sampaikan dalam International Seminar dan Workshop kali ini.

Contents of :

International Seminar and Workshop

“Designing Sustainable Partnership Among

Industry, Local Government and Higher Vocational Education in Preparing

ASEAN Economic Community 2015”


Training materials



The Strategy and Policy of Vocational Higher Education and The Synergy between Industry and Education

Prof. Dr. Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto, M.Pd

Senior Advisor of Governor of East Kaltim


Regional Political Will in Making Decisions Related to Vocational Higher Education Policy and Optimizing the Role of Industry in Education.

H. Salehudin

Ketua DPRD Kab Kutai Kartanegara


International World’s point of view toward the role of education in building collaboration with industry and government

Mrs. Susan Carvalho, Ph.D

University of Kentucky


Mutual and Sustainable Partnership Pattern Among Industry, Local Government, and Vocational Higher Education

Juliana Tompodung, SH

Manager Human Resources VICO Indonesie


Human Resources Competency Demand in World of Industry

Ir. Agus Subekti, M.Si

PT. Pupuk Kaltim


The Role of Economic Community in East Kalimantan

Drs. Indras Purwadi

Kadin Provinsi Kaltim


Types of Doable Partnership to Support the Improvement of Vocational Higher Education.

Imamul Ashuri

Chevron Indonesia Company


Membangun Peran Dunia Usaha & perguruan Tinggi Untuk Menunjang Program Link & Match

Ir. Saiful Rochman Thohir, MM



The Commitment of Industry in an Effort to Improve the Employment Level of Vocational Higher Education Graduates.


PT. Badak NGL


Demand of Human Resource Competency in Tourims Industries)

Farida Maylina

Bank Kaltim


Role of Banking Industry in responding to ASEAN Eonomic Community and Preparing Human Resources

Darmanto, SE., VP

PT. Bank Bukopin


The Role of Hotel Industry toward the Improvement of Competencies of Vocational Higher Education Graduates.

Muchamad Zuwaini

ASTON Hotel Samarinda


Demand of Human Resource Compentency in the Banking Syariah Industries

Naf’an, S.Ag., M.E.I

Bank Kaltim Syariah


Demand of Human Resource Competency in Hotel Industries)


Hotel Samarinda


The Role of construction services Industry in Welcoming AEC and Preparing the Human Resources

Ir. Achmad Ali Sjahbandar, MAP

LPJKD Kaltim


The Role of construction services Consultant toward the Improvement of Competencies of Vocational Higher Education Graduates.

Ir. Widodo Tomo, MT



Economic Development Policy East Kalimantan defender on absorption of Higher Education Graduates of vocational

Drs. H. Hariyo Santoso

Bappeda Prov Kaltim


Policy on the Development of Applied Research in East Kalimantan

Drs. Juraidi, MTP

Balitbangda Prov Kaltim


The Role of Mining Industry in Welcoming AEC and Preparing the Human Resources


PT Kitadin Embalut


Role of Gas Industry in Supporting the Competitiveness Level of Higher Vocational Education in Responding to ASEAN Economic Community 2015


Total Indonesie


Competency Needs Human Resources Mining Sector

V Bangun Nuswanto

PT Kaltim Prima Coal


Acceleration Strategy improving the quality of human resources East Kalimantan

Dr. Hasby Syamsir, Msi

Dewan Pendidikan Tinggi Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

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